I am speaking about my cats of course! The title of the post is all about the crazy insane, yet lovable little fur balls that think they rule the roost here.
The little cat...Ashes, a.k.a. Lord Ashington, a.k.a. Monster-Devil, likes to run the Talladega 500...In the bathtub...I'm not kidding. My litle precious fur ball of joy is driving me insane a little but. Randomly you sort of feel like Robin Williams in Jumanji when he hears the stampede about to roll through the house. Bottles falling off of everywhere, soaps, and shampoos you didn't even realize you had are flying all across the bathroom floor. Our poor little shower curtain gets pulled, scratched, bitten and yes, hidden under all day long. He is insane...just saying.
Let me explain the shower curtain situation to you, we have an outer shower cutain thats all decorative and pretty, then we have the liner, we have them set up on the same pole because I think it is silly to spend money on 2 shower curtain rods when one will work.
When you go to take a shower crouching tiger hidden Ashes, likes to sit in the bottom of the tub with the liner encasing him with his tale poking out getting wet from the shower. He apparently loves water. Like for instance, when he was little and he would do something that he wasn't supposed to, we had a water bottle that we squirted him with a couple times and he would stop the habit...for all of 30 seconds. He has since made friends with the water bottle and tries to bite the spray when you squirt him, needless to say we don't squirt him anymore...we think he likes it.
Now, when you get him and Isis together, its like Daytona....but instead of being in Florida, its the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, the bathroom, the office, and the stairs, sometimes inluding the bedroom also. so alllll over the house! Our floors are wooden, so we have a lot of rugs because we rent and I'm afraid of scratching up the floors...ever so often I have to hobble through the house and straighten up the rugs that the little fur-car's mess up...I'm talking we need a caution lap, they knock stuff over, they slide into the wall, I'm fairly sure that they draft also because every once in a while one will slingshot in front of the other one...its crazy, but entertaining. It's all fun and games until they start jumping on you to get to the back of the couch...cats don't usually weigh a lot, until they are pouncing on your gut at full speed with two little paws with claws...its dangerous. I feel like I need to put a caution fence up.
They are adorable, and I live them though..i mean how can you not love little faces like these:
This is them being ninjas. they creep up on the bed while you are sleeping. Then one of them head buts you, or licks you on the face...or in Isis's case the armpit...yeah, I'm still trying to get over the weirdness of my cat licking my armpit and waking me up...she is beautiful, but she is an odd duck.
Yes, I know i have a crazy cat lady problem! But, who an blame me! Feel free to send me pictures of your little lovers at landoffoodandkitties@gmail.com
Who, knows they might be put up on the blog!
Have a great day everyone!
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