
Monday, January 6, 2014

Epic Failure Day

So I have to say that other than cleaning my kitchen and getting to spend time with my best friend/sister, and seeing my beloved, today was an epic failure.

I tried to make pot roast in the crock pot from one of those pre-packaged things from the grocery store...yeah, it wasn't bad but it wasn't as good as the other things that I have made the last week since I have started this blog.

What goes good with pot roast, well  I thought it might be bread...which was also an epic failure, I tried to make this recipe that I found on Pinterest, it was a no knead bread....well...let me just say I think my water was too hot and killed the yeast because it didn't all....but the beloved said to bake it anyways so I did...and I have to wasn't horrible...but not what I was looking for.

the list of things that were other epic failures:
1) woke up last night like 10 times for the bathroom, new medicine makes you need to number 1 a lot.
2) the beloved was wonderful and fed the cats this am. BUT being awakened by the overhead light in your bedroom at 6 am is a little on the startling/I'm going to have a heart attack because I thought the house was on fire. But at least he fed the cats....he is wonderful.
3) said cats in the previous number decided that they were going to pee in the kitchen floor...grr.
4) I have had the memory of a gold-fish today.

Okay, so in reflection my day hasn't been that bad...thank you for letting me vent. I promise I will get my stuff together and make something delicious for tomorrow...maybe more than one delicious thing! 

On a happier note, I have a clean kitchen! YAY!! 

On another happier note, I have started a sourdough bread starter, so on like Friday or Saturday I should be in the kitchen making bread...that hopefully will work out...key word...hopefully.

Everyone stay warm out there, its like the Artic outside!
Much love!

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